
Advantage of sand casting

Sand which is used for casting is called the moulding sand. Appropriate quantity of water is used to mix the sand to avoid the sand from being waterlogged. In mixing the sand with water, the water is sprinkled on the dry moulding instead of pouring. When the water is poured, it can result to excess.

Most sand casting operations use silica sand (SiO2). A great advantage of sand in manufacturing applications is that sand is inexpensive. Another advantage of sand to manufacture products by metal casting processes, is that sand is very resistant to elevated temperatures. In fact, sand casting is one of the few processes that can be used for metals with high melting temperatures such as steels, nickel, and titanium. Usually sand used to manufacture a mold for the casting process is held together by a mixture of water and clay. A typical mixture by volume could be 89% sand, 4% water, 7% clay. Control of all aspects of the properties of sand is crucial when manufacturing parts by sand casting, therefore a sand laboratory is usually attached to the foundry.

Commercial Refrigeration Innovation on Customized Beer Tower

According to the famous beer’s request, the ideas should be conform to their brand image. So we use sports cars and yachts curve to create the passion feeling ,and this is totally conform to their brand imagine and slogan- Dream of passion the achievements. After the tower launched the market during the Qingdao beer festival, there are over 10 million of the people seen the customized beer tower and tasted their beer. This make a good advertising for them and strongly strengthened their brand image in consumer mind.

As a professional commercial refrigeration company, we do not only manufacture the commercial refrigeration equipment, but also work closely with customer to distinguish them to others and help them to strengthen the brand image in the point of sales. Based on such kind of aims, we believe the continuous innovation on the beer dispenser, beer towers will support our customer to gain more market.

We developed a new beer tower for the market in sep,2014.There are three point to make it outstanding in 
the beer dispenser market.
1.We used the simple stream line to make the beer tower looks clean and elegant
2.On the top of the tower, we used imperial crown to showing the imperial demeanor and to conform 
the company's slogan and brand image

1.       The tap has the same design as the tower to make the entire feeling to customer is more coordinated and this will enhance the brand image of the beer.


Life span of a deep freezer

According to our research, the life span of a deep freezer averages eight years. So, factoring in our cost per year, the cost of owning and maintaining the deep freeze is about $130 per year, or about $11 a month.
This means that for the deep freezer to be worthwhile, we have to get $11 or more in savings per month out of it. What are our possibilities?
Storage of garden produce Let’s say, hypothetically, that I can store and use twelve meals worth of home-grown vegetables a month in this freezer. If a meal’s worth of vegetables at the farmer’s market is a dollar, then this alone pays for the freezer. However, it does require that I store several months’ worth of tomatoes during growing season, for example.
“Once a month” cooking I discussed this concept earlier. It saves money because you can buy several pounds of whatever’s on sale at the store and then use it in several meals at once while it’s still fresh, pop them in the freezer, and eat them later. It’s hard to quantify this savings, though, until we utilize it.

Purchased foods My wife and I often buy bags of frozen vegetables (we’re almost vegetarians, it seems) to shore up what we don’t have on hand that’s fresh. Quite often, we’ll see that the large bag of frozen broccoli is less expensive per ounce than the smaller bag and if we had freezer room, the larger bag would be the one we’d get, but the extra ULT deep freezer room wasn’t true until now.
For us, these three items alone make the deep freezer worth the cost. It might also be worth the cost if you eat primarily prepackaged meals (I have a friend who literally lives on Healthy Choice frozen meals) because you can really, really maximize on sales.
However, if you don’t cook at home much, a deep freezer is likely not worth the cost. A few years ago, I would have appreciated the novelty of a deep freezer (and likely bought one), but it didn’t mesh with my life at the time. I would have thrown a few things into it and simply eaten the cost of the item on a month-over-month basis.
To put it simply, if the cost of an appliance doesn’t save you money month over month, then don’t buy it. A washing machine is well worth it for almost everyone, for example, but a deep freezer merits some evaluation of your own lifestyle. Spend the time figuring the true monthly cost of the unit – and whether or not it will save you money (or your health – or a lot of time) over the course of a year. This analysis will reveal pretty quickly whether the unit is worthwhile or not.